enum Novika::SnapshotType


Holds the type of a snapshot.

Members are sorted by their frequency in code (eyeballed), not to say that it matters.

Defined in:


Enum Members

Word = 0_u8
BlockRef = 1_u8
SmallDecimal = 2_u8
LargeDecimal = 3_u8
Quote = 4_u8
QuotedWord = 5_u8
Boolean = 6_u8
Color = 7_u8
Builtin = 8_u8
Byteslice = 9_u8

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def block_ref? #

def boolean? #

def builtin? #

def byteslice? #

def color? #

def large_decimal? #

def quote? #

def quoted_word? #

def small_decimal? #

def word? #