abstract struct Novika::FFI::StructView


Base type of the value side of structs.

Implements Indexable and Indexable::Mutable over the fields in the struct, allowing you to iterate, read, and change them (with some casting from and to ForeignValue though.)

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Novika::FFI::ForeignValue

box : Pointer(Void) box, must_be_of(type : ForeignType) must_be_of, to_form? : Form | Nil to_form?, write_to!(base : Pointer(Void)) : Pointer(Void) write_to!

Constructor Detail

def self.new(layout : Novika::FFI::StructLayout, handle : Pointer(Void)) #

Instance Method Detail

def ==(other : StructView) #

def [](id : String) #

Returns the value of a field with the given identifier. Dies if there is no such field.

def []=(id : String, value : ForeignValue) #

Assigns value to a field with the given identifier.

def []?(id : String) #

Returns the value of a field with the given identifier, or nil if there is no such field.

def address(*args, **options) #

Returns the pointer address of the struct this view refers to.

def address(*args, **options, &) #

Returns the pointer address of the struct this view refers to.

def has_field?(*args, **options) #

def has_field?(*args, **options, &) #

def hash(hasher) #
Description copied from module Indexable(Novika::FFI::ForeignValue)

See Object#hash(hasher)

def layout : StructLayout #

Returns this view's struct layout.

def size #
Description copied from module Indexable(Novika::FFI::ForeignValue)

Returns the number of elements in this container.

def to_form? : Form | Nil #
Description copied from module Novika::FFI::ForeignValue

Determines the best form type to represent this foreign value, then builds and returns a form of that type.

Returns nil if value is nothing.

def to_s(io) #

def unsafe_fetch(index : Int) #
Description copied from module Indexable(Novika::FFI::ForeignValue)

Returns the element at the given index, without doing any bounds check.

Indexable makes sure to invoke this method with index in 0...size, so converting negative indices to positive ones is not needed here.

Clients never invoke this method directly. Instead, they access elements with #[](index) and #[]?(index).

This method should only be directly invoked if you are absolutely sure the index is in bounds, to avoid a bounds check for a small boost of performance.

def unsafe_put(index : Int, value : ForeignValue) #
Description copied from module Indexable::Mutable(Novika::FFI::ForeignValue)

Sets the element at the given index to value, without doing any bounds check.

Indexable::Mutable makes sure to invoke this method with index in 0...size, so converting negative indices to positive ones is not needed here.

Clients never invoke this method directly. Instead, they modify elements with #[]=(index, value).

This method should only be directly invoked if you are absolutely sure the index is in bounds, to avoid a bounds check for a small boost of performance.