abstract class Novika::Snapshot


Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ENDIAN = ["system"]

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

KLASS_NAME = [Novika::Snapshot]

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

PARTS = [] of Nil

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

REMAINING = [] of Nil

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.bit_fields #

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

Macro Detail

macro novika_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Base class for snapshots.

Snapshots are blobs of binary data corresponding to a Novika value form. Since Blocks are not value forms, they are stored in BlockPool and pointed to by "imaginary" (or "transitory") forms that go by the name of block references.

All snapshots are big-endian-ordered.

Instance Method Detail

abstract def to_form(assembler : BlockAssembler) #

Converts this snapshot to the corresponding form.