class Novika::ImagePayload::Ver


Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ENDIAN = ["big"]

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

KLASS_NAME = [Novika::ImagePayload::Ver]

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

PARTS = [{type: "basic", name: rev, cls: UInt8, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, value: nil}, {type: "basic", name: subrev, cls: UInt8, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, value: -> do SUBREV end}, {type: "basic", name: yearly, cls: UInt8, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, value: -> do YEARLY end}, {type: "basic", name: monthly, cls: UInt8, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, value: -> do MONTHLY end}] of Nil

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

REMAINING = [] of Nil

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.bit_fields #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

Macro Detail

macro novika_block_pool(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_block_ref_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_boolean_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_builtin_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_byteslice_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_color_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_frozen_block(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_frozen_block_dict(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_frozen_block_friends(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_frozen_block_tape(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_frozen_entry(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_image_payload(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_image_payload_capability_id(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_image_payload_ver(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_large_decimal_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_quote_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_quoted_word_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_small_decimal_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_typed_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

macro novika_word_snapshot(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil) #

Holds information about Novika version the image was written with.

Instance Method Detail

def __format__ : IO::ByteFormat #

def monthly : UInt8 #

Montly version increment:

0.0.5 ---

def monthly=(monthly : UInt8) #

Montly version increment:

0.0.5 ---

def parent #

Group fields might need access to data in the parent

def parent=(parent : Novika::ImagePayload | Nil) #

Group fields might need access to data in the parent

def rev : UInt8 #

Revision number (this is revision 10).

def rev=(rev : UInt8) #

Revision number (this is revision 10).

def subrev : UInt8 #

Subrevision (release) increment:


def subrev=(subrev : UInt8) #

Subrevision (release) increment:


def yearly : UInt8 #

Yearly version increment:


def yearly=(yearly : UInt8) #

Yearly version increment:
