abstract struct Novika::Boolean


Represents a boolean (true/false) value.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Novika::Form

a(type : T.class) : T forall T a, desc(io : IO)
desc : String
, die(details : String) die, effect(io)
, on_open(engine : Engine) : self on_open, on_parent_open(engine : Engine) : self on_parent_open, onto(block : Block) : self onto, sel(a, b) sel, to_quote : Quote to_quote

Instance methods inherited from module Novika::Schedulable

schedule(engine : Engine, stack : Block) schedule, schedule!(engine : Engine, stack : Block) schedule!

Constructor Detail

def self.[](object) : Boolean #

Creates a Boolean subclass for the given object.

def self.new #

def self.same?(a : ValueForm, b : ValueForm) : Boolean #

Returns a Boolean for whether a and b are the same.

Note that Novika's .same? is not exactly the same as Crystal's, that is, not as "pedantic".

For example, some reference types may pretend they're value types (see ValueForm). This means that e.g. 1 1 same? in Novika will leave true, but for Crystal it's actually false because the two 1s are different objects.

def self.same?(a : Reference, b : Reference) : Boolean #

Returns a Boolean for whether a and b are the same.

Note that Novika's .same? is not exactly the same as Crystal's, that is, not as "pedantic".

For example, some reference types may pretend they're value types (see ValueForm). This means that e.g. 1 1 same? in Novika will leave true, but for Crystal it's actually false because the two 1s are different objects.

def self.same?(a : Byteslice, b : Byteslice) : Boolean #

Returns a Boolean for whether a and b are the same.

Note that Novika's .same? is not exactly the same as Crystal's, that is, not as "pedantic".

For example, some reference types may pretend they're value types (see ValueForm). This means that e.g. 1 1 same? in Novika will leave true, but for Crystal it's actually false because the two 1s are different objects.

def self.same?(a, b) : Boolean #

Returns a Boolean for whether a and b are the same.

Note that Novika's .same? is not exactly the same as Crystal's, that is, not as "pedantic".

For example, some reference types may pretend they're value types (see ValueForm). This means that e.g. 1 1 same? in Novika will leave true, but for Crystal it's actually false because the two 1s are different objects.

Class Method Detail

def self.typedesc #

Instance Method Detail

def initialize #